Welcome to Chrisbaby's blog!
My very 1st blog

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I found these pictures in my thumbdrive which was taken 3 months back. So I've decided to post it up here. Those were the good old days. I really miss my colleauges in EY. This post is actually continuous post from the one date 18 December 2007. You can access the link via http://chrisbabyluv.blogspot.com/2007/12/its-my-companys-department-dinner.html#comments

The view of KGPA
My teambuilding mates
One of the teambuilding games
Help me out of the maze!
Yes! We won. We manage to untangle ourselves. We won 1st place.

Random shot
Me at the registration counter for the dinner
The entrance of Tropicana Golf and Country Resort
My dinner mate
Our master piece

Posted by Christina at 9:19 PM |