- What are your most embarassing moment?
- What are your biggest achivements so far?
- What would you do with your winning? Would you pay off your debt? Go for holiday? If not, please tell us.
- Tell us why you are the suitable candidate for Deal or No Deal?
Once the forms are filled, you are being asked to take a photograph with your name written on an A4 paper and you got to hold it like a prisoner. Hahaha... then there is a short interview questions. The interview questions goes like this:-
- Tell me more about yourself. (Like going for job interview only... hahaha)
- How would your friends describe you?
- Are you a risk taker?
- Are you emotional type of person?
- I give you a situation and you got to express yourself. The situation is like this. Let say you manage to enter to the last round i.e. left 1 briefcase on the stage and 1 briefcase in your hand. And the remaining amounts are RM0.10 and RM100k. And now you decided to open your briefcase. And turns out that your briefcase is RM100k. (So this is when you got to act out like you really won that RM100k)
Once the interview is over, then if you are shortlisted, they will be calling you. The english version will be shot somewhere in March or April. So for this 2 months I got to be glued to my handphone just incase I got shortlisted. Well, I hope I'm being shortlisted. RM100k... here I come. Muahaha... !!!
After Deal or no deal participation process, I've decided to go shopping since there's sale practically everywhere. I ended up buying a leather handbag and a matching purse from Braun Buffel cost RM658 (Handbag cost RM399 and purse cost RM259) which is before discount. The discount is only given for braun buffel membership but the sales lady is kind enough to give that 20% to me as well. So after discount is RM526.40. This is the most expensive handbag and purse I've ever bought. But I love it so much. It's really pretty don't you think so?