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My very 1st blog

Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Today is my last day in Ernst & Young after 3 years and 10 months. It's a sad and lonely day as most of my colleagues are away on jobs or on leave due to CNY which is tomorrow. But my boss / manager is there. So manage to take a memorable photo with her. She has been really nice and kind to me. I feel sad to leave such a good boss behind. I hope my future boss in my new company is as good as her or better. Just got to pray. I just want to take this opportunity to thank Ernst & Young for all the experience that I've gain. Thank you EY. Muacks!

Me and my dearest boss, Ms WPJ.
Auditors Workstation. Messy-nyerrr...
Auditor's locker room. That is my Locker.
Pantry. There's where u get all your drinks i.e. milo, tea, coffee and water of course. Free Flow.
Rest area.
This is where u have your food if you tapau.
Stairs that leads to different floors within EY.

Posted by Christina at 10:46 PM |