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My very 1st blog

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
It’s my Company’s department dinner. We called it REC Industrial Update. The daytime we have it in KGPA (Kelab Golf Perkhidmatan Antarabangsa). It’s opposite Eastin Hotel. Before lunch we have some boring updates on FRS. We went to SS17 for lunch. It seems that their ‘Char Siew Fan’ is nice. But I find it so so only.

After lunch we were allocated into 10 different groups. We have some games which involve teamwork. We had so much fun. My team is called Kopi-O. And don’t look down at our team. We won for both the games we played. As a winner we each got ourselves a EY pouch bag and EY towel. Lol…

Dinner was held in Tropicana Gold and Country Resort as usual. The food is way better than the one we had in Shangri-La hotel. Oh yea… this year I was lucky. I won a lucky draw. I won a RM50 voucher from Eden. In fact I won a lucky draw from my ADD too. But I got a HSBC backpack instead. Well, it’s better than nothing. The dinner ends around 11pm. It’s working day tomorrow tho. No off day for us. Sob sob.

Oh yea. Today is the day that I never been so humiliated before. Our dinner theme for tonight is traffic lights. Meaning you have to wear according to the traffic lights colours i.e. red, orange and green. Each colours indicate different things. Red = You are in a relationship or married. Orange = You are in a complicated relationship and Green = You are single and available. So as for me, of course I fall into the Green category. Last week I went shopping with my friend to hunt for a green top. It takes me ages to find a green top and I finally found one that is affordable and the one that I like from P&Co. And the worst thing of all, once I reach, I bump into someone who wore the same top as me. Same colour, same design, same brand. OMG!! I can’t take it. Once the day training is over, I rush back home to change. Thank god I have a green dress. Phew! I feel so much more lively after I changed. What a fashion disaster. Damn! But all said and done, I did have a great time today and tiring too.

Menu of the night
Side dishes
The crowd
My best mates
Different pose
This is my Assistant Manager. All newly promoted assistant manager being 'decorated' by us. It's revenge time. Hehe
Me with christmas tree and 2 reindeer
Our snowman
RM50 Cash voucher from Eden

Posted by Christina at 10:06 PM |