Sunday, February 27, 2005
After class I went to Sunway Pyramid with Aaron. Went there to buy Force Of Nature “Concert for Tsunami Aids” tickets. No one seems to have bought any of the tickets yet. I was so afraid that the tickets will be sold out. But who cares. The lesser the crowd the better it is. Then there is a higher chance of us getting nearer to the stage. I can’t wait to go to this concert. Finally I can meet my idol, Backstreet Boys. Hehehehe…
We decided to play bowling in Pyramid but they are having some tournament. So we didn’t have the chance to play. Instead we watch a Malaysian movie, Sepet. I’m glad we watched the movie. It is a nice movie about a Chinese boy fell in love with a Malay girl. Those of you out there who think you are racist or some of your beloved are racist, you guys should catch this movie and understand the true meaning of multi racial and cross marriage. I really strongly suggest all the Malaysians out there to catch this movie. But I don’t really like the ending because I expected it to be a happy ending but it turns out to be a tragic ending. I sob so many times during the movie. It’s so touching. Sob.. sob.. I don’t mind watching the movie again. It has the hilarious side and the tragic side of story. I will give it 2 thumbs up for this movie.
Well, here is a synopsis of the movie. 19-year-old Ah Loong is in charge of a stall selling pirated VCDs. Contrary to what you might expect of someone from his social standing, Ah Loong is an incurable romantic with an unlikely hobby - he likes to read and write poetry. Quite content to carry on being the Romeo of the slums, Ah Loong's life takes a pleasant turn when 16-year-old Malay schoolgirl arrives at his stall in search of Hong Kong films.

Although there is a mistake in its title but this ticket is genuine. I paid RM82 for it kay. So dun pray pray. Heheheh... BSB here I come. Muahahahaha

Here are some of the clips from the movie

Aww... aren't they match made in heaven?

I love this part the most. They look so cute and adorable

Posted by Christina at 11:39 PM

Saturday, February 26, 2005
No class today since the lecturer is off to Kuching. I thought of joining Aaron and Pughan for squash but then I got scolding from my mum. She disallowed me to play squash since I was sick yesterday. So I stayed home all day. Sigh…
I’m so bored at home. I don’t know what to do. I practically walked up and down the house the whole day. I stayed in my room and stare at the laptop. There’s no one who is online to chat to. I tried to study but nothing seems to enter. Sigh.. There goes my off day just like that.
Posted by Christina at 11:19 PM

Friday, February 25, 2005
I’m sick. I’m on MC today. Yahoo!! No need to go to work. But I’m feeling pretty sick. I stayed home the whole day and all I did was watch DVDs. I’m so bored at home. I caught a flu, sore throat and slight fever. Poor me.
Posted by Christina at 9:19 PM

Thursday, February 24, 2005
I’m bored. So bored sitting alone in client’s office. I was hoping that I could finish all my work today and able to go back to my office tomorrow. And I don’t know what the manager have for me as my next job. I hope I won’t be on the job alone again. if it is alone I hope the client is just as good as this one which is a simple job and yet friendly client. But I know it’s hard to get this type of client. And furthermore I hope the location of the client is easily accessible. A place which is not remote and food are easily available. Usually there are a lot of surprises being an auditor. You will never know where you will be the following week or the next day. So all we could do is just cross our fingers and hope everything fell in place such as the client’s attitude, the location, the distance from you house, the EY personnel you are gonna work with, the nature of the company, the size of the audit etc.
But if you are already at the senior stage, the upcoming jobs are pretty predictable because it’s a revolving thing. So what you have done last year most likely you’ll be doing the same client this year. So there is lesser surprises if you are at the higher rank of the hierarchy.
Anyway it is a good experience to be on a job alone. You are able to learn more things and take bigger responsibility. But the only problem is that you’ll be really bored and lonely and there is no one to rely on if you have any problems encountered.
So far, it has been close to a year I’ve worked in EY. I can say that there are bad and good memories here. I hope in future, there are many more happy memories. All I can say is that it is not easy being an auditor. Auditor’s job is basically doing lots of donkey work and gets low pay. But the experience wise is at its peak. That’s why many auditors don’t stay long in an audit firm. They will leave the firm once they find their experience is enough to conquer the commercial world.
Furthermore we work our ass off by doing lots of OT especially in the month of January and February and certain other months of the year depending on the client. We even do lots of social work as well. Most of the expenses such as petrol and parking fees at client are out form our own pockets. We can’t claim the whole amount. And most of the OT is burned because they don’t want to blow the audit fees budget just to show the efficiency. Sigh… this is the life of an auditor. Such miserable life they have. I can’t believe it that I’m one of them. I hope that after all this time I’ve spent working in EY does pays off when I go into commercial line. Better salary, better employee benefit, lesser OT, lesser stress and more happy. That would be few years down the drain. I can’t wait for that time to come. I feel so jealous of my seniors who just left EY. I feel like being in their shoes right now. They are so happy to leave the firm and yet I’m still stuck here for god knows how many more years.
My best advice to all of you out there, please don’t become an auditor. It is a very demoralizing job. If it’s not because of the pay I wouldn’t be here working my ass off. So sometimes when you heard me ponteng-ing work, it’s a good thing. At least I don’t stress myself out if I got the opportunity to ponteng. Well, at least I still get my work done on time. This is the only luxury an auditor gets. But just make sure that you don’t get caught by any of the EY personnel. Have to be careful and be prepared for all the excuses if you are being caught red handed. Hehehehe..
Posted by Christina at 3:18 PM

Monday, February 21, 2005
It's Monday again. Time really flies. Sigh... Why can't weekends be longer than weekdays? If only weekends is 5 days and weekdays is 2 days. Time for work again. I went back to office today instead of client's place. Finally I’m back in office after like a month. But I won't be staying in office for long since I have another new job. So, I went and see my manager and she briefs me on the new job. Remember the RM4,500 Subang job I was telling you about. This is the one. It turned out that the client's place is near Giant supermarket, USJ. Thank goodness I know the way. My manager asks me to leave office and head on to the client's place at 10am but I slack around in office till 11pm then only I leave. Instead of going to client's I sneak to Carreffour, Sri Petaling to meet Aaaron. Heheheh.. Shhh… I left at Careffour at 1pm and I reach client at 1:30pm. I worked till 6pm. Finally I manage to go home early after 2 months. The client here is nice. It's a small department. No stress working here. It's all easy going. How nice if all my clients are like this. Hehehehe...
Later at night, once I reached home I went online to check my ACCA results. To my horror, I finally did it. I failed the paper for the first time in my life. I never failed any exam paper in my life before. Sigh… I’m so disappointed. There goes another semester of studies. Sigh… I feel so stupid. Now I have to re-take the subject again. And guess what, it’s a Law subject. Yuck!
Posted by Christina at 10:12 PM

Sunday, February 20, 2005
Morning class as usual. Luckily the taxation class from 4:30pm to 5:30pm was cancelled. This allows me to meet up with my college friends in Mid Valley. Remember that one of my college mate gotten married last July, she is now 4 months pregnant. I can’t believe that I had a pregnant friend. It feels so weird walking with a pregnant lady. She looks so fragile. Hahahaha... But I’m happy for her since she now can start a family of her own. Wonder when will it be my turn? Hmm... This is a BIG question mark.
Posted by Christina at 10:23 PM

Saturday, February 19, 2005
It's finally weekend. It has been a torturing week for me. I left house early in the morning and drive to Aaron's house. I just don't feel like staying at home. Instead of resting after a week long of work, I accompany Aaron's mum do marketing. We went to the nearby market. But I didn't follow her to the market instead me and Aaron stop by at a nearby coffee shop for breakfast while waiting for his mum to finish marketing.
After that we head on home. I hang around in his house. His mum cooked me lunch. So sweet of her. This is the second time I had Aaron's mum's cooking. Then it's time for college. Sigh....
After class I have a dinner appointment with my family in a restaurant nearby y house. It's a CNY dinner within my own family only. So, I got to rush home for dinner. I used the Lebuhraya Bukit Jalil to go home and it was really jam. I suspect that the jam was due to Sam Hui concert in Bukit Jalil stadium. So i decided to use the emergency lane. As i reach to a point, I decided to cut in to the inner lane but then the car doesn’t let me cut in. So i stop and wait for the car to pass by and cut in behind his car. But that driver just stopped there. So I overtake him and thought of cutting in front of him. He goes and accelerates and his car comes so close to mine. It's only inches away. He stopped his car again blocking my way. Then i got fed up and accelerate too. We are really had a race fight. Furthermore this driver is with his whole family. See how not safety this driver is. If I die I die alone. But he is with his family. His family's life’s lies in his hands. I was pretty scared tho. But I manage to go faster than him which is a relief to me. It was an experience. But then again, I was so damn scared. My hands are all shaking. When I finally reach the restaurant the first thing I did was to call Aaron and told him bout what happen. I'm so so scared. I'm still shaking even in the restaurant. Of course didn’t tell parents. They will kill me. My heart was pumping so hard. Well, at the end of the day it was my fault. I was in the wrong. Well, at least I reach home safe and sound. I'm never to try that again I hope. Hehehehe...
I ate so full during dinner. After dinner I went to pasar malam with my lil bro since the pasar malam is not far away from the restaurant. I bought 3 cute little dices to hang in the car as car accessories. Pughan was looking for something similar for quite sometime. So I bought 2 for him. It only cost RM2.50 per dice. It was drizzling. So we went back home straight. Went there just to but the dice. Hehehehe...

Isn't these dice just lovely? 
Posted by Christina at 9:25 PM

Friday, February 18, 2005
Finally it’s Friday. It has been a torturing week for me. It’s so stressful working this week. But I’ll be thrown to another new job all by my own next week. I don’t know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. The good thing is that I can leave this job and go for other job but the bad thing is that I have to do that job all alone. I have no idea where is it. I only manage to scrape some info from my manager and senior. It seem that it’s a RM4,500 job and the company is in the industrial area in Subang Jaya. That is pretty far tho. I’ll only know the details further on Monday. I hope it’s an easy job, the clients there are nice and I don’t need to work late. Sigh… Let’s just cross finger and hope it come true. I can consider this as my first assignment without supervision. Hope I let neither my senior nor my managers down.
Posted by Christina at 10:26 PM

Thursday, February 17, 2005
I’m so bored at work. No senior here today. She has meeting to attend. Yawn… I’m so sleepy too. We Hokkiens prayed last night. I do have work assigned for me to do but I got no idea how to resolve it. Hmmm… I’m still looking into that. It’s not difficult to do but just that it is slightly different from our normal accounts. Sigh…
Posted by Christina at 10:24 PM

Sunday, February 13, 2005
It’s Valentine’s Day eve. We celebrated Valentine’s Day today instead of tomorrow since I’ll be working late the next day. I left house early in the morning and we head to Bukit Bintang. We have no idea where to celebrate V Day. We just jalan-jalan, exchanged presents, makan and played bowling.
I got a webcam as a V Day present and I gave him a MP3 player. It looks like there are no lovey dovey presents but digital stuff. Hmm… looks like the era is changing. Hahahaha… Oh yea… I got a stalk of flower from him too. Although it’s just a stalk but it was my first flower given by a guy. Thanks for the present my dear. I will try to install it on my laptop and you will be able to see me everyday. Muacks!
Posted by Christina at 10:24 PM

Saturday, February 12, 2005
It was a boring Saturday for me. In the morning and early afternoon I was watching VCD’s. Just finishing the Chinese series which I stared long long time ago. Finally I manage to finish all the 22 disc. The series is okie. Not too bad because Dicky Cheung star in that series. Heard of Kung Fu Soccer? It’s a longer version of Shaolin Soccer.
After lunch Aaron came to pick me up and we are heading to Zing Yee’s house. Her cat is still as cute as ever. Wish I had a pet in the house. But I don’t like the cleaning and bathing them part. Hehehehe… We just stop by her house for a while. Then all 3 of us head on to May Ann’s house. Without feel, we gamble again like last year. But this year I really have no luck. We played Blackjack and In-between. I lost almost in every game. All my Ang Pau for the day was given back just like that. Since I’m losing, I decided to be the dealer. We had lots of fun.
I stayed in May Ann’s house till 6pm. I didn’t stay long since I got to rush home for another reunion dinner at home. This time is my father’s relatives.
The dinner was okie. But it was a bit noisy due to the kids running around and making noise. So many people came. My mum didn’t cook the dinner except for a vegetarian dish. The rest of the food are bought back such as KFC, Rojak, mee and cakes. What a variety for a Chinese reunion dinner right? Hahahaha… Well, that’s my parents.
Posted by Christina at 11:23 PM

Friday, February 11, 2005
Woke up slightly later today because we don’t need to rush for breakfast. After breakfast we went to the Japanese Garden. Nothing much there but nice scenery and environment. The place is kinda small.
Next to the Japanese Garden is the Botanical Garden. My parents and lil bro didn’t go to the Botanical Garden because there are a few flights of stairs and they are tired. So I went down alone. Nothing much there. Just some weird looking plants. They even have the world’s largest orchid. But to bad it’s not blooming that time. They even have strawberry plants but no strawberry on it. I think it was plucked by passerby.
After the Japanese garden we went Colmer again to take daylight pictures since yesterday we took was night scene. We bought 2 packets of fish food to feed the swans. There’s a pair of white swans and a pair of black swans. They are so pretty.
Then back to hotel to check out. On the way down to KL we stopped by at the rabbit park. So few rabbits left. The others are all in cages. Last time there used to be hundreds of them running around. I think most of them didn’t manage to survive the rough handling by the kids. You should see how the kids carry them. I really pity the rabbits.
As we are heading back to KL we stopped by at one of the Chinese village for lunch. The weather was so hot. It is burning hot. It is killing me. The sun is so hot that I got a bad headache.
After lunch we head on home. I really can’t wait to go home. We reached home at 4pm. I’m so tired and sweaty and headache. After bathing everything is much better. I promise myself that I ain’t going to Genting again next CNY although it’s our custom to go to Genting on every CNY. I’m gonna make a change to that. Hehehehe…
Posted by Christina at 10:22 PM

Thursday, February 10, 2005
Posted by Christina at 11:56 PM

Wednesday, February 09, 2005
In the morning went to dad’s relative house. Then stop by at my grandma’s nursing house to ‘pai lin’. Then off we go to Genting. It’s so boring up in Genting. But it has been our custom that we go up to Genting on the first day of CNY. I met up with May Ng in Genting. We went to casino since there is nothing much we could do there. I lost RM10 in the casino. Sigh.. no luck.
At around 7pm May Ng and I parted for dinner with our own family. Our dinner comes together with the room package. So we had our dinner in First World café. It’s a buffet. There are so many people mainly occupants from First World Plaza. All of them are fighting for food. It’s like they had not eaten for days. So we got no choice but to fight for the food as well. I didn’t eat much tho. It’s so difficult to grab the food. You got to queue for so long just to grab the food.
It’s already close to 10pm after our dinner. I followed my parents to the casino. My lil bro went to the indoor theme park himself. I went to the Starworld which is a newly open casino in First World Plaza. It’s not as huge as the Casino de Genting but lesser people and less smoky. They provide drinks in Starworld but not in the main casino. I love their Milo. Very creamy. Yummy!! I didn’t gamble in Starworld. Just go jalan-jalan.
Oh yea today was my first day wearing cheongsam. This is my first time wearing a cheongsam, to be precise. I bought it a week ago I guess. It’s a really striking red cheongsam. Before I left the house I asked my maid to plat my hair for me. I really look like a chinagirl. At night when I was to bathe, I let go my hair. My hair turned curly. OMG! I don’t think I look good in curly hair. Check it out dude! Hahahaha… don’t laugh your head off kay.

Check out my curly hair. How do i look?

How bout a side view? 
Posted by Christina at 11:57 PM

Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Thank goodness I’m able to take off from work today. I’ll be having 6 days of CNY holiday. Yay!!! I thought since this is the peak period we won’t be able to take that many day off.
I went to Mid Valley with lil bro. He was bugging me to take him buy his WWE CD’s and wristband. So since I got nothing to do I took him to Mid Valley instead.
After getting the stuffs he wanted we head on to my grandmother’s nursing home to pick her up. We are having a CNY reunion dinner at home. I ate so much till my tummy bloated up.
After dinner me, lil bro and grandma was playing blackjack. We had so much fun. My grandma and my lil bro were cheating. They are exchanging cards in order to win my cards. They are so bad. But it’s ok. As long as we had fun right?
Posted by Christina at 9:54 PM

Monday, February 07, 2005
All of us don’t have mood to work. We are all already in CNY mood. So my senior let us all off early. After work I went to Kepong to meet up with Aaron for dinner. The roads are pretty clear. Surprisingly no jam at all. We ate in one of the mamak shop under the tree by the roadside.
After dinner, both of us are dying for bowling. So we went to the nearby bowling alley in ‘Fajar’. My score was bad. I got all zeros for the first few games. Sigh… I think this is the worst score I’ve ever had. I didn’t even manage to get above 100. See how bad that is. Sigh…
Posted by Christina at 10:47 PM

Sunday, February 06, 2005
After class I went to summit to collect the MP3 player. Immediately after collecting it I hid the box and the accessories in my car and the player was hidden in my handphone bag in my handbag. This is because I’m meeting Aaron in like 5 minutes time.
He came just in time after I hid the MP3. There’s nothing much in Summit, Subang. So we decided to go for a movie instead. We watched Racing Strips. That movie is really hilarious.
We had McD for dinner… again… hehehehe… After dinner we went back home. I don’t wanna go back late since I’m working the next day.
Posted by Christina at 9:46 PM

Saturday, February 05, 2005
After class I went to Bukit Bintang to meet up with May Ann, May Ng and Evelyn. We met in Dome for dinner. While waiting for the food to be served, i went over to KL Plaza to scout around for MP3 players. I wanted to get a MP3 player for Aaron as a Valentine's present. I was recommended to get a Creative N200. The original price was RM539. I and May Ann manage to haggle for RM515. I know it's not much. Only manage to reduce RM24. But hey... at least I can save that for my dinner in Dome. It took us bout close to an hour to haggle the price. He kept on insisting on selling it for RM520 but we insist on paying only RM512. You must be wondering why we offer RM512. Such an odd figure. The size of the MP3 is 512MB so that's why we ask for RM512. 1MB for RM1. Hehehehe...
After a long session of haggle, he decided to give us for RM515. When price is fixed, it turned out that they don’t have a white player, only black is available. I was kinda disappointed because i really want to buy the player. He asks me to come back again tomorrow to collect it. But I don't have time to collect it tomorrow because i have classes to attend. In the end I asked him to send the stock to Summit Subang which is another outlet since it’s nearer to my college and I can pick it up after class. After that is settled, he asked me to pay in full. It’s a bit risky but I got no choice. So I paid in full and i deemed to trust him. I just hope that he won't con me. That’s a whole lotta money you know.
After settling everything, we went back to Dome for our dinner which was served an hour ago. After dinner it’s already 10pm. We all left and I offer to send May Ann back home since she helped me to look for the MP3 player while I’m in class. Now all I hope is that Aaron would love the present I’m gonna give him for Valentine's Day.
Posted by Christina at 11:32 PM

Friday, February 04, 2005
Yay! Another Friday. Another weekend. Time really flies real fast. Today my senior decided to let us all go early. But our early is 8pm. Hehehehe.. I’m used to it liao.
Work end 8pm. Went to mid valley. Ate dinner. Played bowling again. addicted. My score is bad. Really bad. But his score is good… 4 strike. It seem that this is his best game ever.
Posted by Christina at 10:44 PM

Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Yay! Another holiday. It's Federal day. I was so happy that i don't need to work today. I left for Aaron's house early in the morning. I hang out in his house till 1pm where both of us are dying of hunger.
We decided to go to Mid Valley for lunch but on the way there we passed by Sogo so i decided to stop by hoping i could get some CNY clothes. And true enough i found one which cost me a bomb. It was a cheongsam which I’m dying to get since last year. It cost me RM153. It's a red cheongsam up to knee length. I'm gonna wear it for the whole month of CNY this year. Hehehehe...
We only stop by at Sogo for an hour. Trying not to beat the one hour parking in Sogo because the subsequent hour cost another RM2. We manage to leave that premise in an hour and the parking fee collector was kinda disappointed with us since we only pay RM2.50. Hahahahaha...
After that we head on to Mid Valley. Suppose to go there to get clothes but then since I got it from Sogo so we just walked around. We ended up in the bowling alley after lunch. Both of us are too bored. We played 2 games each. They have this promotion going on where from 3pm - 6pm if you get 3 strikes in a row, you are entitled to a Kiwi Fresh Force. It is a shoe deodorant. Both of us are trying our best to get 3 strikes. In the first game, I only manage to beg 2 strikes while none for Aaron. The second game I only got 1 strike but Aaron got 3 strikes. We are so happy. Hahaha... Just like a small kid getting a candy from parents. But it doesn’t end there... We didn't get the deodorant thingy because the time shows 6:06pm. It's such a waste. Sigh.. Aaron is so disappointed. He said he's gonna go there again to get the deodorant thingy.
After bowling we are tired. So we decided to have a nice ice-kacang in the food court. The ice-kacang didn't turn out nice but it was very colourful with green, yellow, red and brown syrup. It looks yucky too once it start to melt and the colour mixed with one another.
Then we head on to Careffour to get Aaron's sei ku some buah tangan. He was diagnosed with cancer and was admitted in SJMC. He wanted to see me so I thought of stopping by to visit him. But in the end I didn't go since his mum called and ask us not to go because Subang is jam.
We ended up in Low Yat instead because his Sei Ku called and ask Aaron to get him a MP3 player. I didn't know that MP3 player is so cheap nowadays. We bought a 256 MB MP3 for RM255. The original price was RM260. I manage to haggle for RM5 lesser. Hehehehe... Aaron says that I’m a good bargainer but I don't think so since I can only haggle for RM5 less.
After that I send him back to Kepong. We stop by in Kepong to have dinner. Ate clay pot chicken rice. I reach home around 10:30pm. I was out the whole day. I'm so tired.
This is the most colourful ice kacang I've ever seen 
Posted by Christina at 11:15 PM
