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My very 1st blog

Friday, February 18, 2005

Finally it’s Friday. It has been a torturing week for me. It’s so stressful working this week. But I’ll be thrown to another new job all by my own next week. I don’t know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. The good thing is that I can leave this job and go for other job but the bad thing is that I have to do that job all alone. I have no idea where is it. I only manage to scrape some info from my manager and senior. It seem that it’s a RM4,500 job and the company is in the industrial area in Subang Jaya. That is pretty far tho. I’ll only know the details further on Monday. I hope it’s an easy job, the clients there are nice and I don’t need to work late. Sigh… Let’s just cross finger and hope it come true. I can consider this as my first assignment without supervision. Hope I let neither my senior nor my managers down.

Posted by Christina at 10:26 PM |