Welcome to Chrisbaby's blog!
My very 1st blog

Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Thank goodness I’m able to take off from work today. I’ll be having 6 days of CNY holiday. Yay!!! I thought since this is the peak period we won’t be able to take that many day off.

I went to Mid Valley with lil bro. He was bugging me to take him buy his WWE CD’s and wristband. So since I got nothing to do I took him to Mid Valley instead.

After getting the stuffs he wanted we head on to my grandmother’s nursing home to pick her up. We are having a CNY reunion dinner at home. I ate so much till my tummy bloated up.

After dinner me, lil bro and grandma was playing blackjack. We had so much fun. My grandma and my lil bro were cheating. They are exchanging cards in order to win my cards. They are so bad. But it’s ok. As long as we had fun right?

Posted by Christina at 9:54 PM |