Welcome to Chrisbaby's blog!
My very 1st blog

Thursday, June 23, 2005
I can’t wait for tomorrow to come. But I worked late today since I have to rush to complete my accounts before I leave for my holiday for a week. I stayed in office till 10pm. Luckily Aaron and his best buddy came and have dinner with me and at the same time walk me to the car since it’s getting late. I really appreciate that.

I’ve been so busy lately with work. I wanna finish up the accounts before I go for a holiday. This way I can enjoy my holiday to the fullest without worrying bout my work. Well, at last I manage to finish whatever I can at 10pm. And now is back home and start packing. I don’t even have time to pack my stuff. See how busy I am. Sigh… But do not fear. Melbourne here I come. Muahahaha!!!

Posted by Christina at 11:57 PM |