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My very 1st blog

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Sigh… I think I flung today’s paper. Paper 3.1 – Audit. I have no confidence at all on my answer. But I did manage to answer all 5 questions. But I was practically carping all the way. Well, I hope I don’t get crappy results. This is my 2nd attempt already. I really don’t know how to tackle this paper. Please do let me pass this paper. Sigh… anyway, exams are over for this semester. Next semester is a nightmare. I’m gonna take the core papers next semester and if I fail my paper 3.1, I have to take 4 papers instead of 3. Sigh… I have no idea how am I gonna survive next semester. And furthermore the classes are madness. Every Thursday and Friday evening and whole day on weekends. Sigh… that’s all I can say.

Posted by Christina at 10:34 PM |