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My very 1st blog

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Well, decided to take an off day from my study leave today since my darling is having an off day from work today. So we decided to go for movies. We went to Mid Valley to watch Da Vinci Code. I’ve read the book by Dan Brown and I could hardly understand the story. But I got the gist of the whole story. I’m still interested in watching the movie though and see what I’ve imagine while reading the book do match the movie. The movie is a fast forward version of the book. I think reading the book is still better than watching the movie. The book has more details than the movie. Furthermore, while reading, you let your imagination flow. Not too bad the movie. I was expecting the movie to be boring since the movie is 2 ½ hours long.

After the movie we went to Bangsar Village Shopping Centre because we wanted to have lunch in Café 1920 since we have the discount card and decided to utilize the discount card to the fullest.

After that we are back home. I still have to study for the rest of the evening. At least I feel fresher instead of being in my room for the rest of the week.

Posted by Christina at 11:06 PM |