Welcome to Chrisbaby's blog!
My very 1st blog

Sunday, December 11, 2005
It’s a long day for me. My first stop is ‘The Curve’. Went there to enquire about the Vista Eye Laser Surgery located on the 2nd floor. It’s so hard to find the place. I went to the 2nd floor and walk the whole 2nd floor yet cannot find the place. It turns out that have to go back to 1st floor and use one of the lift to the office building.

Finally found the place and the place is huge. The lady who attended us was friendly. She told me what I wanted to enquire. It turns out that it’s costly. Dad only says it’s RM6,000 but it worked out to be RM4,488 per eye. Meaning in total is RM8,976. If it is done by end of Dec’05, a rebate of RM1,000 is given. So the grand total is RM7,976. Close to RM8,000.
It is separated into 4 parts as follows:-

Part 1 – Assessment
Fee: Free
Duration: 1 Hour

Part 2 – Pre-op Eye Check and Doctor Consultation
Fee: RM100
Duration: 4 Hours

Part 3 – Procedure Day
Fee: RM7,976 as stated above
Duration: 3 Hours

Part 4 – Follow-up Eye Check
Fee: free for 1 year excluding medication
Duration: 1 Hour
Routine follow-up eye check after the procedure – 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 month, 12 month

Before getting the necessary information, we went to Ikano for lunch. Ate at one of the Japanese Restaurant. I ordered Tenshin Don. It’s omelets with white rice and some sauce. It’s tasty.

We walked around Ikano. Went to the Pet Shop. The dogs and cats are so cute. Wich I could have one of them. After that we stopped by a FILA warehouse in Ikano. I bought a Magenta FILA sandal originally cost RM159 and now less 60% at RM63.60. I love the colour a lot. Check it out! Anyway, only left one pair. Ain’t I lucky? Hahahah..

Then we are off to 1 Utama. It’s work-out time. It’s my first time working out in a gym. Spent bout 2 hours in the gym including bathing. Hahaha… I did some steps, cycling, walking, abdominal exercises and lots more of leg, butt, thigh and abs exercises. While we were resting there is a class going on. It is a body combat class. It’s very interesting and tiring. We didn’t join the class because it’s already half way through. We are too shy to interrupt the class. But I’m sure to try it out one day.

After a fresh nice bath, we left the gym. We were so hungry after gym. We ended up having hotdogs in A&W because I wanted to have steamboat buffet and Aaron suggest to have it in Manjalara. I know I know.. it was a bad idea. Here go for gym and there go eat buffet. Hahaha…

I thought of shopping for Christmas present. But then I tak larat. Both of us are so tired. We decided to call it a day and went for the buffet instead. The buffet cost RM18.80 per person. The soup is tasteless and the food are not fresh. We didn’t eat much though. It’s such a waste. We should have just gone for the normal non-buffet steamboat in Manjalara which taste so much better. We will never go there ever again.

One huge Chritmas tree in 'The Curve'

Awww... isn't it lovely? CHristmas decos

Tenshin Don from one of the Jap Restaurant in Ikano. Yummy...

Santa Clause is coming down from the roof of 1 Utama

My lovely Magenta Fila sandal Posted by Picasa

Posted by Christina at 11:23 AM |