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My very 1st blog

Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Sigh. I think I flung this paper AGAIN! ARGH! There is no hope in passing this paper. I think I shall switch to other subject next semester. I don’t want to waste my time on taxation paper anymore. Just as long as I can pass my ACCA exam is sufficient for me. Today’s paper is a disaster. Furthermore the last half an hour of the paper the examination hall black out for about 10 minutes and we only got extra time of 5 minutes. But it makes no different to me because I have nothing else more to write because I don’t know what to write. Sigh…

Well, anyway no point thinking of it and be sad because I can’t do anything else right now. Just wait for the results and if fail just re-sit.

At night I took out my Christmas tree and decorate it. It’s not a fancy Christmas tree. But just for the festive mood of Christmas. I love Christmas especially all the beautiful decorations and lovely presents.

My Christmas tree

I love this pair of Turtle Dove Posted by Picasa

Posted by Christina at 11:25 PM |