I got an off day from work today. Don’t ask me how. I got my ways. Hehe… I went to 1 Utama for movies instead. It has been a while since I went to the cinema for a movie. Since Aaron is dying to watch ‘Goal’ so we decided to watch that movie. I’m not keen on watching a football movie. But the movie turns out to be okie. Hahaha… Santiago Munez. It’s such a sad and happy story. I cried in the cinema. Very touching. He has to go through all the hard work in order to be successful. I think that is the rule of thumb right? Hahaha… Hard work does pay. The movie really inspires me. I’m going to work really hard in this corporate ladder in order to be successful. I know it sounds very ambitious but I’m going to try to make it a reality.
Oh yea. Guess which celebrity I bump into today in 1 Utama? I saw Daniel Lee, the champ for Malaysian Idol season 2. Aaron spotted him first and we followed him till I manage to see his face. And true enough it’s him. Aww… he’s so cute. He turned and look at me on the escalator. He’s so charming. Too bad I didn’t take a snap of him. Wasted. He was shopping with another 2 chinese girls. How I wish I’m one of the girls. Hahaha…
Oh yea. Guess which celebrity I bump into today in 1 Utama? I saw Daniel Lee, the champ for Malaysian Idol season 2. Aaron spotted him first and we followed him till I manage to see his face. And true enough it’s him. Aww… he’s so cute. He turned and look at me on the escalator. He’s so charming. Too bad I didn’t take a snap of him. Wasted. He was shopping with another 2 chinese girls. How I wish I’m one of the girls. Hahaha…