Welcome to Chrisbaby's blog!
My very 1st blog

Saturday, October 01, 2005
Class as usual in the morning. After class I went and picked up Aaron and we met up with a couple of my college friend. One of my collegemate gave birth to a baby girl. Too bad she didn’t bring her baby along. We met up in Mutiara Komplex in Jalan Ipoh. Yea… I know out of so many places we meet there. Hahaha…

After that me and Aaron went to Sg Wang to collect his Bon Jovi t-shirt from Popular Bookstore which suppose to arrive together with the CD 2 weeks ago. And to our disappointment it has not arrive yet. I even spoke to the manager and gave her a good scolding. This is too much man. I paid extra for the CD and I still haven’t get the t-shirt. Sigh…

After that we went over to Berjaya Times Square. Aaron wanted to get me something since he got some profit out from his own company, Squeak. He wanted to get me a big soft toy which I always wanted but then again I have not place to put the soft toy. My bed is already filled with other smaller soft toy. So I told him it’s better to get me some jewelry. So he bought me a necklace set with a pendant which cost RM154. but I manage to bargain to RM150. Hehehe… I love it so much.


Necklace & pendant Posted by Picasa

Posted by Christina at 10:13 PM |