Welcome to Chrisbaby's blog!
My very 1st blog

Sunday, December 12, 2004
Another day in Penang. We went to Kek Lok Si and Penang Hill. We went to Penang Hill first at around 11am and the tickets available is at 2:45pm. So we bought the tickets and went to Kek Lok Si Temple. Along the way to Kek Lok Si Temple there are many stalls selling souvenirs, clothes and their Penang local products. The stalls are at the stairways up to Kek Lok Si Temple. We climbed so many flight of stairs. Finally we reach the temple and there’s a huge Kuan Yin buddha. It is made of bronze. From the temple you can see the view of Penang. It’s beautiful.

On the way down we ate vegetarian food. Then rush to Penang Hill. We sat the cable car or train you call it up to the hill. There’s nothing much up there just the scenery and some cool air. From the hill you can see the Penang Bridge. Another nice view of Penang.

From Penang Hill we went to Komtar and Peringin Mall for some shopping. Window shopping again. After that we went back to Gurney Drive for dinner. This time I ate Asam Laksa which only cost me RM2 and some lok lok which only cost 60cent per stick. I even ta pau chicken wing back to hotel to eat. All we do there is eat and eat and eat. I think I put on some pounds. Sigh…

Me and my lil bro at the beach

Penang Hill or better known as Bukit Bendera

Me with some Buddha and the Pagoda

View of Penang. The tallest building there is Komtar

View of Penang Bridge

View taken from my hotel window

View from the plane Posted by Hello

Posted by Christina at 11:56 PM |