Welcome to Chrisbaby's blog!
My very 1st blog

Thursday, October 28, 2004
After work, my senior suggested that we go out for dinner together. So he suggested to have dinner in Restoran Kayu in SS2. We left Faber Towers at 5:30pm and by the time we reach Kayu, it’s raining very heavy. So we decided to change place for dinner since we could not get a parking place and furthermore they are having pasar malam there. So we made a detour to the other side of SS2. It’s also a mamak stall.

We sat down in the other restaurant and ordered drinks. When we want to order food, no one tend to serve us. So my senior got fed up and decided to pay for the drinks and go back to Kayu since the rain had stop. So here we are again in Kayu after going God knows how many rounds to get a parking place.

According to my senior, the food there is first class. For your info, my senior likes to eat. So I guess you guys can imagine how he looks like. Yeap.. He is a little bit plump. Hehehehe… I ordered maggi goreng. The maggi goreng taste the same as other mamak shop. Nothing fascinating. But what fascinated me was their roti tissue. It is damn tall man. I think triple the height of the normal roti tissue you eat in other mamak shop. It takes up 3 plates when it is laid down. 3 of us can’t seem to finish the roti tissue and that piece of roti tissue cost RM3. I find it too sweet so I didn’t eat much and furthermore after having a plate of maggi goreng, I’m already full.
After dinner we decided to walk a while in Pasar Malam since it’s just outside the road. The Pasar Malam is kinda huge. I didn’t get anything from Pasar Malam but just to stroll down to have better digestion of the food I ate during dinner

Posted by Christina at 10:33 PM |