Yippee!! Today I don’t need to attend taxation class. Why?? Hehehehe.. Finally I got exempted from tax paper. I’m so happy that I don’t need to sit for the tax exam paper although the tuition classes already finish. But I don’t lose anything since I learn something from the tax class. But one thing I’m sure to miss is my lecturer, Mr. Simon Kok. I missed his dashing look, his manly voice and not forgetting his knowledge that passed down to us.
In fact I take this opportunity to go out on a Sunday. It has been a while since I go out on a Sunday. I went to 1 Utama and catch a movie. Yeah.. another movie. Hehehehe.. this time it’s Stepford Wives. I find that the movie is something impossible to perform in reality. If it really becomes reality, I think it is a disgrace to the women. Women are not meant to be brought up that way. We are not the slaves of the man. Women and men are on the same rank. No offence here but I’m just protecting women’s rights.
Well, after the movie we head on home for dinner.