Woke up pretty early today. I didn’t drive to work because I’m meeting one of my colleagues in office to go to Nilai. It has been a while since I take public transport and it is still as bad as ever. It takes me bout half an hour to reach Nilai.
The company we are auditing in Nilai is a simen manufacturing company. The place is okie. The office building is kinda new. And the accounts are organized. We left the office around 6pm. The client provides us with hotel accommodation. So we stayed a night there and come back to KL on Wednesday evening because on Thursday I got a training to attend. After leaving the office, we all went back to the hotel to take a shower and then go out for dinner. My senior took us to Pizza Hut for dinner. I had a laughing good time during dinner. We been laughing all the way throughout dinner. We were in Pizza Hut for bout an hour or 2. we ordered so much food.
My senior is really a clown. He tells all the silly jokes and I can’t stop laughing. Don’t you know how hard it is to finish my dinner? Tears almost came out. But I had a great time during dinner.
We left Pizza Hut around 9pm and my senior is thinking bout supper in the nearby mamak to our hotel. He insists that we go and try out the burger since another of our colleague speak highly bout the burger there. So he asked us to meet at the hotel lobby at 11pm.
Later food is served in mamak. He really did ordered burger and tosai. He can really eat tho. Well, I think you guys might have guessed his weight by now. Hehehehe.. It turned out that the burger doesn’t taste nice at all. He practically forces himself to finish up the burger. Poor fella. He was cursing the other colleague who said that the burger is nice. It’s so funny seeing the way he finishes up the burger. He is a real joker la. We had a great time laughing. We left the mamak around midnight and head back to the hotel.
I got my own room all by myself since I’m the only girl there. The other 2 colleagues with me are guys. In the hotel I get ready for bed, switch on the tv and lay down on the bed chatting with my boyfriend on the phone. After the conversation I’m stuck to the tv. I’m watching ‘My Big Fat Greek Wedding’ on Astro. I watched till 1:30am. I cannot tahan liao. Too tired to finish watching the movie. I slept immediately after that. I wonder how am I gonna wake up the next morning and it’s a working day tomorrow. Sigh…