Thursday, November 08, 2007
Posted by Christina at 5:42 PM

10:12 PM,
you are looking good in those pix...well, at least you are smiling. :D
keep up with it. you'll soon to find yourself out of this loophole.
hmm..or prolly you ARE* already out of the drowning pool.
8:47 AM,
Christina said........
Well, I'm trying to stand back on my own two feet. Trying to keep a tight schedule and hopefully everything will be alright.
I will try to take your advise on knowing more people. From now on, whoever invite me out, I'm the FIRST one to agree regardless what kind of outing it is. Whether it's just for a movie, a dinner, or even just to hike. LOL
Thank you so much for all your encouragement. Really really appreciate it.
P/S: Sorry Ema, during that Terry Fox event, I didn't really chat with you, I was really in a mix emotion (If u know what I mean). It's nice meeting you there anyway.
11:48 AM,
hey gal
no worries 'bout the terry fox run.
i was once like yer.. been there, done that. :)
so it's all good... cheeers!
i know the just shux.
keep up with it. you'll soon to find yourself out of this loophole.
hmm..or prolly you ARE* already out of the drowning pool.