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My very 1st blog

Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Well, guess what? I’m finally free from a cage. I’m free as a bird. I have all the freedom in the world. I’m proud to say that I’m finally single again after 4 torturous years with a guy who do not appreciate me, who do not love me and who hurt me so bad.

I think during that time I was too blind to see that he is not the one for me although repeatedly being advised from my mother and friends that he is not the one for me. Now I see it. What they say is true. How could I be so stupid not to see that? I guess, the saying goes, Love is Blind.

There’s just so many negative things about him that I’ve tried to ignore and I thought time would make a difference. Well, I guess I was wrong. The following are the things which I don’t like about him which I hide are as follows:-

· He is being so childish. Come on, he’s already 24 years old and yet acting so immature.
· Always with that stupid cap of his and he thinks he’s cool.
· Never know how to make connection with the elders. Always with his handphone playing his stupid Fifa games.
· Never try to make conversation with the elders to get to know each other better.
· Never greet the elders when in their house and have to be told to do so
· He has a very bad breath and I’ve repeatedly told him to do something about it.
· Washes his Jeans / pants like 6 months once which sometimes stings
· Never tidy up his room. His room is in a mess and it smell.
· Never grow up as he’s still using sexy actress / model picture as his wallpaper.
· Still acting childish with all the inappropriate display picture in his MSN.
· Always shy to take risk especially in working environment. How to improve yourself when you don’t want to take risk?
· Always headbanging in the car and some relatives thinks you are crazy. I don’t like it either
· Always say he loves you but he don’t mean it and but he always say he meant it. If he meant it then this would not happen
· Never express his feelings. Always keep it inside and one day it will explode like what happen now
· Always want people to change to the way he wants it but never change himself to suit the other party
· Always full of worries but never try to solve the worries
· Always say cannot cannot but never try to achieve it

I hope his future girlfriend to be reads this before committing to him. I don’t want another victim to fall for his trap and be hurt.

Wow, there are so many weaknesses in him. How could I be so stupid not to see that? Well, I guess I’m lucky to know who actually he is before it is too late. All I see now is that he is one moody-easily pissed off-impatient-full of anger kind of person and not the lovey dovey-patient-caring kind of person. I’m glad that all this is over and I can’t wait to start a new leaf. I’m sure there is someone out there who is way better than him. Someone who will truly appreciate me for who I am and not wanting me to make changes to suit his desire. Someone who will think about the past and make things better for the future and not keep thinking about the past and be sulky about it.

Posted by Christina at 1:05 PM |