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My very 1st blog

Sunday, February 19, 2006
It has been a while since I’ve been to the gym. I feel so tired pretty fast today after an hour of work out on the machines. I think this is due to the lack of exercise for the past couple of days. After gym it was already lunch time. We drove to The Curve for lunch since we are bored of the food in 1U. We went to Paddington House of Pancakes. The price is a bit pricey but then the food taste good. They have many varieties of pancakes. If only the price would have been cheaper, I would have tried more. But so far the food we ordered turns out to be good. Visit the website for more info via http://www.paddingtonpancakes.com

After lunch it’s back to Sunway College for a 3 hour class. The class is boring. The subject itself is pretty dry. Business Information Management (BIM). Well, he ended the class 15 minutes earlier. After class Aaron came and picks me up and we went for dinner in Sunway Pyramid. Then it’s back home. There goes my weekend and it’s back to work tomorrow.

Paddington house of Pancakes

Pancake with beef bacon and scrambled eggs

Chicken with ham, cheese, smash potato and crepe Posted by Picasa

Posted by Christina at 10:10 PM |