Welcome to Chrisbaby's blog!
My very 1st blog

Friday, February 03, 2006
Aaron and his family went to Immigration to get their passport done. This is the first time he and his sister got a passport. Poor thingy… They left their house around 6:30am. But I met up with them at 9am. Immigration was so packed. When I reach there, there are people queuing outside the immigration on the road. Inside the immigration is so stuffy and hot. All the seats are occupied. However luckily they manage to finish by 10.30am, just in time for McD’s breakfast.

From the immigration all of us went to Mid Valley together with Aaron’s parents. This time I manage to buy my shoe. We went for lunch in Brickfields. I had chicken rice. After lunch me and Aaron went to our 2nd home, 1U again to get myself a sunglasses from XOXO. Aaron bought it for me as an early V day present. The sunglasses cost RM79.90. But this sunglasses is really cool.

In the evening we went to Fajar, Kepong for bowling. We made a bet that whoever lose have to treat dinner and guess what, I lost. Sigh… So now I have to treat Aaron dinner.

XOXO sunglasses Posted by Picasa

Posted by Christina at 11:45 PM |