In the morning, I went to Sg Wang and meet up with May Ng. I don’t feel like going out in the morning because in the afternoon I have class. But since I didn’t meet her for quite sometime, so I decided to meet up with her even for 2 hours or so. We just jalan-jalan then eat lunch. After lunch got to rush to class but it turn out that the class was cancelled. Sigh. I rush for nothing and it’s not far from Sg Wang to Sunway.
In the end I went back to BB and meet up with Zing instead. Met her at her friend’s house somewhere near BB. There I met Chee Yit Hua and Zing’s primary friend. It has been a while since I saw Yit Hua. I think the last time I saw her was in Form 5.
After leaving her friend’s house me and Zing went to one of the restaurant in Jalan Imbi. Tutti Fruitti I think. We had a light snack. Then I stop by Zing’s house for a while and played with her cat, pussy. Zing even taught me how to play mahjong. I manage to catch up how the game works. That day itself I went home and played Yahoo Mahjong and I did win a few rounds. Hehehe… addicted already.
From Zing house in Cheras I drove all the way to Kelana Jaya to have dinner with Aaron. Met him for an hour since that is his dinner break. He’s working by the way today. Poor thingy. After dinner I went back home. Kinda crazy huh to drive from home to BB then to Sunway then to BB again and back to Kelana Jaya then head back home.