Time is ticking. Sweat is dripping from my forehead. Scratching my head. I have no idea how to do the audit. Tick tock tick tock the clock continued. The hands points to 6pm and I’m still in the office. Colleague finally spoke. They finally decided to call it a day at 7pm. My whole face expression changed immediately. From a stress look to a happy and relief look. But there’s something bothering me. My mind is working really hard to search for the thing that has been bothering me.
Finally, I manage to find it. I’m actually missing someone badly. Without wasting anymore time, I text him. I wanted to see him badly. Furthermore it’s a Friday night. I wouldn’t want to go back after work. I still need my social life. I’m waiting for his reply. Tick tock tick tock… the clock goes again. Eyes starring blankly on the handphone’s screen. Waiting for it to ring. Ahhhh.. finally. There is a message received. I read it immediately and hoping it was him who replied. And true enough it was him. I’m jumping for joy after reading his message. I replied instantaneous agreeing on the matter.
I packed my stuffs and ready to rush out from the office building. I can’t wait to get my foot into my car and leave that stressful place as far as possible. Finally I reached my car. I start the engine. I stepped on the accelerator leaving the office out of my sight as I moved on. On my way to the destination, handphone began to beep. My heart was pounding. I whisper to my car to go faster. But I was stuck in the jam. I was cursing the jam till I finally reach the car park. Searching high and low for an empty place.
Ahhh… finally I manage to find a nice spot to park my car. I left the car and rush into the building. Searching for the person that I missed so dearly. Look left… look right… and look left again. “Ahhh… there he is”, I said. He was sitting on the bench typing on his handphone. I took bigger step to reach to him faster. As I was closed to him, he looked up. I could see his eyes starring straight at me. His eyes tell me that he is glad to see me. Words are not spoken. I sat down beside him. Both of us carved a big smile on our face. I leaned towards him and give him a soft tender peck on his lips.
Later, we head on for food. Both of us are dying of hunger. Ended up in Burger King. We shared fries and drink. We laugh and flirt.
Time really flies real fast. It’s already 9pm. I got to get going. I wouldn’t want to reach home too late since I got to wake up early tomorrow for work. He walked me to my car. We said our last goodbye for the night and ended in a sweet gentle kiss. Awwww… isn’t that beautiful?