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My very 1st blog

Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Today is another public holiday. YAHOO!!! Was so tired last night. I woke up at 12 noon. It feels so nice to be able to sleep till this late. Went shopping with my mum in 1 Utama. Wanted to go to Mid Valley but then the jam there was terrible. So we decided to go to 1 Utama. There also the same thing. Can’t even find parking. It’s such a massive jam there. After bout 15 minutes searching for parking, we finally found one. Manage to squeeze at the side.

I didn’t buy anything tho. Nothing attract me. So basically, I just teman my mum there and also at the same time go jalan-jalan. It’s a working day again tomorrow. Sigh…

Posted by Christina at 10:25 PM |