here i am again in this office all alone. so lonely and bored in this tiny room all by myself. but luckily there is an internet connection here. at least i can still communicate with the outside world. this way i don't feel that lonely. i don't mind being alone doin auditing. in fact i kinda like doin audit alone. no one to disturb. this way i can do my own things without fearing ppl might report to the head. but i would like someone to join me once in a while especially my senior so that she can check on my work whether am i doin the right things before it's too late.
well, here's another story. i'm so happy today that it's finally Thursday. yeap Thursday. this Thursday is a sort of a special day for me. remember i told you guys bout the episod? well, here it is. the story behind it is gonna be revealed. i know some of you out there might think that we are crazy and have to be send to Hospital Bahagia. but this is the way it goes.
if you have been following closely with my blog, you can see that i didn't mention Aaron's name for quite sometime. well, it's not llike what you think. it's a BIG NO NO. we didn't argue or anything. just that we decided to take a challenge. yeap.. a challenge. well, i am the one who propose this challenge. we decided not to see each other for 2 whole weeks. ah huh... 2 WHOLE WEEKS! now the 2 weeks is coming to an end. today is the last day of the 2 weeks. and tmrw i'm taking leave for this occasion. hehehee... siao right.
well, some of you might say.. cheh.. only 2 weeks wat. well, not for us. it has been a torturing 2 whole weeks for us. we missed each other like crazy man. this feeling is really indescribable. i never felt like this before. but i think tmrw will be better. i really can't wait for tmrw to come. i'm really looking forward to meet him tmrw. i wonder what will i do to him tmrw. i can't imagine myself either. hahahahahaha...