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My very 1st blog

Saturday, November 03, 2007
Are girls feeling a guy’s toy?

Are girls at the bottom of a guy’s list?

Are girls just to fill in their entertainment?

Why must girls be at the disadvantage?

Are we just plain dumb?

Why are relationships so complicated?

Aren’t girls supposed to be pampered and loved?

Answers! All I need are answers!

Posted by Christina at 11:12 AM |


At 7:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
there are no answers to all the above. only time could tell.

move on girl. no point pondering on such questions which do you not well. think of the good memories you had together..and let it go. he did once love you. that's all you need to know.

At 10:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Sometimes guys are just fickle, picky eaters who are really lost and confused like a lost puppy.
Sometimes guys are just bored logs used for burning.

But perhaps you didn't give the guy enough breathing space. Too much love can suffocate a person. You need to learn how to let go. Let live. Just be.

Starting from every breathe you take.