Welcome to Chrisbaby's blog!
My very 1st blog

Wednesday, October 11, 2006
I took leave today to visit my grandma. From the nursing home, I went for lunch with darling in KLCC. Later at night, I went and pick up my dad from Subang and we went for dinner together with my little bro. my mum is still in Indonesia. This time dad decided to take us to Tai Thong, Imperial China for dinner. We eat till so full. The food not bad at all. I like the setting of the hall. Very imperial-ish. Hahaha…

Restoran Imperial China, a subsidiary of Tai Thong

Inside the restaurant

Comfy sofas

Duck, Char Siew and Siu Yok


Lotus root vege

Claypot Japanese tofu

Longan for dessert Posted by Picasa

Posted by Christina at 10:29 PM |