Welcome to Chrisbaby's blog!
My very 1st blog

Saturday, September 23, 2006
My grandma was admitted to hospital again. Me and my darling went and visit her in University Malaya Hospital the morning. After that we went to Sunway Pyramid for lunch. We ate in Manhattan Fish Market. We ordered a combo set for 2. But we feel so ‘bleak’ after eating. We could hardly finish and the combo set cost us close to RM50. After lunch I went to class.

At night I join my darling and his colleague for buffet steamboat in Sunway. To my surprise, all of them are guys and I’m the only girl. Hmmm… there’s like 10 of them. But I don’t care, I’m so hungry.

Seafood platter for 2 Posted by Picasa

Posted by Christina at 11:08 PM |