Welcome to Chrisbaby's blog!
My very 1st blog

Saturday, September 02, 2006
Yet again I have class today till 7.30pm. But then the class went on till 8.15pm. Furthermore I have appointment with my girlfriends in KLCC for dinner. I promise them that I would be there at 8pm. by the time I reach KLCC it’s already close to 9pm. I met up with Coleen, Ju Wei, Zing Yee and Yew Leng. We had dinner in Chillies. It has been a year since I met Coleen.

We did some catch up, had a nice meal and took a couple of pictures. Too bad I couldn’t join them for shopping earlier. We left KLCC around 11pm. It was a fun night. I'll post to pix once I got it from Miss Poon.

Posted by Christina at 11:13 PM |