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My very 1st blog

Monday, August 21, 2006

My result will be announced today through e-mail. I don’t have internet access in my client place but I can borrow their internet cable via their cubicle. I checked once on 9.30am. no e-mail I checked again at 10am again to no avail. So I decided to ask my darling to check for me once in a while and if he saw inbox (1) or junk mail (1) I ask him to fast fast sms me and I’ll go and check.

He sms me at 11am+. He was so excited. Almost 10 sms came in. my heart is pumping really hard. When I finally get connected, true enough there is a junk mail (1) and the title of the e-mail is result online. My heart is pumping 10x harder. I click on the mail. Scroll down slowly. And to my surprise, I passed both my optional paper. I’m so happy. I didn’t expect to pass my paper 3.1 (Audit). Well, I can consider myself really lucky because the passing mark for ACCA is 50 and above and I got 50 for my audit paper. How lucky. Phew.

Posted by Christina at 11:35 PM |