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My very 1st blog

Sunday, June 25, 2006
It’s back to KL day. In the morning we went to the market again. And we are delighted to find a DVD seller. The DVDs sold is in fact very very cheap. Each DVD is sold at RM5 as compared to KL which is RM8 each. We bought a number of them. We are finally satisfied with the DVD hunting but now all we hope for is that all the DVDs are clear.

We check out at 12 noon sharp. On the way to Penang Bridge, we stop by McD drive thru to grab our lunch. We are still full so decided to have it on the road back to KL.

I reach home around 5pm. I had a great time in Penang.

Tg Rambutan anyone?

196km more to KL. What a long way back home Posted by Picasa

Posted by Christina at 10:50 PM |