Welcome to Chrisbaby's blog!
My very 1st blog

Sunday, January 01, 2006
It’s the first day of New Year. Happy New Year everybody. Since Aaron is working and I got nothing to do at home me and my younger brother went to Mid Valley for the Bonuslink carnival in the exhibition hall. There’s so many Bonuslink Card Member. It’s so packed in the exhibition hall. I manage to redeem a clock with 1800 points.

Once that is done, I send my brother home and I get ready to go to 1U for gym. On my way there it’s raining pretty heavy. Somewhere near Eastin Hotel the road is flooded due to the heavy rain. I got stuck there. I waited first on the line for almost 30 minutes. I couldn’t wait any longer and decided to go over the flooded water. I was praying hard that my car don’t get stuck in the water. And thank God it didn’t. Muacks to my brave car.

In 1U they are having a human monopoly. It seem it’s the biggest monopoly board game.

Mid Valley's Christmas Deco

Clock redeem from Bonuslink Carnival

Flood near Eastin Hotel

Human Monopoly

Real jail with jail clothes Posted by Picasa

Posted by Christina at 11:55 PM |