Aaron came and fetches me from the house then we went to visit my grandma in the nursing home. This is the first time Aaron meet my grandma. We were there about an hour then head on to Mid Valley for more CNY shopping. It was surprising that Mid Valley was not jam at all. Well, I guess most of them have finished spending their allowance. Mine is gonna run dry soon enough. Heh heh heh.
I didn’t buy anything from Mid Valley but just a new spectacle from Focus Point. The brand is 2-Inch which cost me RM349. They have so many other types of brand and variety but it’s too expensive. I got to change my spectacle because my power has increase again. Sigh…
Since I can’t find anything to buy in Mid Valley we drove to Sogo instead. There I manage to get a pair of work shoe and a jeans. Finally I manage to find a jeans which suits me. I was jeans shopping last weekend in 1U and I couldn’t find a jeans that suits me. They are all low waist and when I bend down, I can see butt-crack. Eeewww… I went to shops such as Levis’, Giordano, Edwin, Padini etc. the price is pricey but it doesn’t fit me. So no point paying so much and I don’t look nice in it. In Sogo I saw a dummy wearing a jeans which is nice so I decided to give it a try and I fit perfectly. It’s from Lee Cooper cost me RM109. this is the most expensive jeans I’ve ever wore. My jeans are all from lady like and recently from Giordano which is bought from a warehouse and it’s cheap.
So in Sogo I spend another RM150. Sigh… I’m such a big spender. Since 31 December 2005 to to-date, I’ve taken out RM1,900 from my account. How am I gonna survive for my rest of my January? Hmmm…
I didn’t buy anything from Mid Valley but just a new spectacle from Focus Point. The brand is 2-Inch which cost me RM349. They have so many other types of brand and variety but it’s too expensive. I got to change my spectacle because my power has increase again. Sigh…
Since I can’t find anything to buy in Mid Valley we drove to Sogo instead. There I manage to get a pair of work shoe and a jeans. Finally I manage to find a jeans which suits me. I was jeans shopping last weekend in 1U and I couldn’t find a jeans that suits me. They are all low waist and when I bend down, I can see butt-crack. Eeewww… I went to shops such as Levis’, Giordano, Edwin, Padini etc. the price is pricey but it doesn’t fit me. So no point paying so much and I don’t look nice in it. In Sogo I saw a dummy wearing a jeans which is nice so I decided to give it a try and I fit perfectly. It’s from Lee Cooper cost me RM109. this is the most expensive jeans I’ve ever wore. My jeans are all from lady like and recently from Giordano which is bought from a warehouse and it’s cheap.
So in Sogo I spend another RM150. Sigh… I’m such a big spender. Since 31 December 2005 to to-date, I’ve taken out RM1,900 from my account. How am I gonna survive for my rest of my January? Hmmm…