Welcome to Chrisbaby's blog!
My very 1st blog

Thursday, December 02, 2004

I’ll be having my company’s annual dinner tomorrow in Shangri-La Hotel. I have no idea what to wear for the dinner. The theme is ‘Lagenda’. I don’t think I’m dressing according to the theme but something elegant. I just found out that I have 2 suitable dress for fine dining. But I can’t decide. Here are the pictures. I need some feedback. Heheheh…

Hmmm... should i wear this dress which i bought from Thailand or

This dress which i wore for my secondary prom dress. Just the dress or

The dress with the scarf or

The dress with the shawl? Posted by Hello

Posted by Christina at 5:40 PM |


At 7:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
ema here....
i think the dress u bought in thailand looks nice laa...
it's like u are topless and waistless...bahahahaha...
looks coolz aight?

or the dress with shawl looks somewhat classy too... aihzz...in the end u choose which one eh?..wahaha..

At 10:29 PM, Blogger Christina said........
well, in the end i choose the dress with the scarf. most of them say that with scarf is better.