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My very 1st blog

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
It has been a hard weekend on me. But what has past has past. No point looking back. It’s time to move on again.

I was browsing through some of my old photos recently taken. Wow was I amazed how many photos I have. Hahaha… guess my passion for photography does pay. Those photos just put a smile back on my face. Although we can’t be more than friends, but I do enjoy every moment we spent together. We are still friends no doubt about it.

I also just realized that my life is full of activities. And I’m loving it. Trying new things everyday. Meeting new friends everyday. Learning new things everyday. Boy! Isn’t this a great life or what? Life sure does have its ups and downs. It all depends on how you wanna face it.

To my greatest Ji Muis (you know who you are), thank you once again. You guys have made me this far. We’ve just gone through so much together. And I’m sure there are more fun waiting for us in the future. No secrets between us alright? J

Hmmm… what else should I blog about? I’m just too bored at work. Monthly account closing has been delay yet again. Sigh… If only I could bring my Photoshop software to work. Hahaha… I have so many photos waiting for me to touch up. There’s so much homework to do before I can get a proper touched up done. This week is gonna be a busy week for me. It’s gonna be photos + software + me.

CNY has just ended. This is the best CNY I’ve ever had in my life. How was your CNY? Its full 15 days fun filled with activities for me. It’s even worst than working hours man. It’s fun fun fun all the way and lack of sleep all the way. Just enough to stay awake. Now I will have to wait for another year for CNY.

Oh oh…. Valentines is just around the corner. In fact, it’s 4 days away only. So have you bought / plan anything yet for your boyfriend / girlfriend? As for me, I guess it’s just a normal day for me. But I will be joining this hottest Valentines Day party in KL. Hopefully I will be able to meet my knight in shinning armor in the party. *Fingers crossed*

Well, I just ran out of ideas what to blog. So I will just end it here for the moment. Hehe… Xoxo..

Posted by Christina at 4:30 PM |