Followed my mum to Sg Buloh in search of some CNY plants. I could not resist all those beautiful flowers till I have no choice but to use my lowsy HTC phone camera. The quality is pretty bad. I don't have my SLR with me neither is my Sony T100. Sigh... But better than nothing ;)


Chrysanthemum plants

Chrysanthemum plants

Pink flowers

Orange fruit look-a-like plant

More pink flowers

Red FLowers

Kat chai plant

Purple Flowers


Cactus + Orkids

Some chinese plants

Rows and rows of plants. Which to choose?

Dried Ling Zhi

Love the pot

Another different pot

Awww... aren't those cow a cutie?

Bamboo plant

So many flowers - SO beautiful

Purple Chrysanthemum plants - My fav colour

Wow... so many bamboo plants

More Chrysanthemum plants

Red flowers

Nicely decorated (basket like shape) but too bad the kat chai all turned bad dy