Went to Actors Studio, Bangsar with my friend. This is my first stage play that I went. The play is by Gamarjobat, Gardner & Wife. It’s a Shut Up Comedy from Japan.
“GAMARJOBAT presented their new shows "Rock 'n Roll Penguin" and "Western" to both critical acclaim and box office success. The performances ran for three weeks at The Actors Studio @ Bangsar Shopping Centre and the mime duo's annual appearances have now led to a fast-growing fan base here in Malaysia.”
To my surprise, it was a full house. The tickets ain’t expensive. It cost me RM66 and the show last for 1 ½ hours of laughter.
Just too bad I could not get the musical show for Mammia Mia. It’s all sold out. I bet that one is way better.
“GAMARJOBAT presented their new shows "Rock 'n Roll Penguin" and "Western" to both critical acclaim and box office success. The performances ran for three weeks at The Actors Studio @ Bangsar Shopping Centre and the mime duo's annual appearances have now led to a fast-growing fan base here in Malaysia.”
To my surprise, it was a full house. The tickets ain’t expensive. It cost me RM66 and the show last for 1 ½ hours of laughter.
Just too bad I could not get the musical show for Mammia Mia. It’s all sold out. I bet that one is way better.