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My very 1st blog

Monday, February 02, 2009

I’m feeling down yet again. Why? Is it hatred? Is it jealousy? Argh! I don’t know. I’m just so confused. I thought I can handle it, but seems that I’m not that strong. I begin to lose my will power. Should I just give up? Or should I just continue the battle? I just can’t stop thinking about it. Probably I should just take a break and let things cool down. Am I able to do that? Is this one of the best solution? Or should I just give up and move on? Everything has been great till that ‘day’. I thought I can close one eyes and ignore but as times gets by, I seem to lose it. Jealousy has gotten all over me. Why why why? Can someone just tell me the answer?

Posted by Christina at 6:33 PM |


At 10:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
theres nothing wrong with what you are currently feeling. with situations like yours, it was just a matter of time until you decided to stop hiding the truth and finally 'break down'. being a normal thing to be having that hatred and jealousy as you put it, it is best if you let it all out and let go, for good. if you keep putting on a mask, it will only cause you much despair later on. talking to a confidant will help you a lot, this is a proven fact. i strongly hope this will make you feel better, as it helps to go through the week with a smile, rather than feeling despised. take care!

At 11:56 AM, Blogger Christina said........
Thanks snickers (Although I don't know who you are).