I could practically wake up this morning. But I know that I have to. I force myself to wake up at 7am. Which means I only slept for like 4 hours. OMG. Class is from 8am till 5pm. after class, I went to pick up my dad in Subang. My dad wants to go to Mydin to get a Hari Raya hamper for MPSJ. He was hoping that by giving hamper to them they will not disturb my dad’s shop. It turn out that Mydin has already close hamper orders. So we decided to walk across to Giant, USJ. It turns out that the hamper in Giant ain’t that nice. So I suggest to go to Careffour, Subang.
Before going to Careffour, we went for dinner nearby. And my dad took us to a factory for dinner. Yes. We ate in a factory. The factory is converted into a restaurant. It’s kinda deep into the industrial area and yet so many customers are able to find that place. This is amazing. The food ain’t that really nice tho. Hmmm… I guess this is luck.
Finally in Careffour, Subang, my dad likes the hamper. It takes him hours to choose the hamper. I’m already half dead due to lack of sleep yet he’s taking his own sweet time. Well, that’s my dad. He wants the best of everything. So I just sat at the bench and practically fell asleep. Hahaha…
Finally around 11pm I reached home. I was browsing to the Digi website and guess what? I saw my name in the website. I’m so happy. I finally won grand prize. And the grand prize was a Samsung YP-U2X 512MB MP3 player. I’m jumping for joy. Finally I’ve won a grand prize in my life. I can’t wait for the prize to arrive.

Grand Prize winner. Yahoo!!!!

Samsung MP3 is mine. Muahahaha