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My very 1st blog

Wednesday, March 17, 2004
been missing someone the whole day. don't know why. i feel like that the whole day. never felt like that before in my life. well, i bet you guys know who is the person i've been missing the whole day. i just met him on Monday. it's impossible that i miss him so so much already.

is it because that i can sense that he's not in KL? (he went to Genting today and will be back tmrw). it's like whatever i do also i don't feel easy or comfortable. i almost wanted to go up to Genting to look for him.

tell you guys a silly thing. usually at night we will chat online. and today, i know that he won't be going online and yet i'm still hoping that he will be online. been waiting online the whole night. i'm so silly right.. haih.....

Posted by Christina at 11:38 PM |