Welcome to Chrisbaby's blog!
My very 1st blog

Friday, August 01, 2003
today will be a busy day for me. it seems there's a load of work for me to do. first got to mop the floor lar, wash the car lar, then go to my grandparent's house to wait for the TV man to come to get another extension for the Astro. then got to rush to PJ to collect my hamper i won past few months ago in the CLEO magazine worth RM177. it's a Ettusais hamper, a make up product. then after that got to ruch all the way back to Plaza Pheonix, Cheras for a badminton game. hopefully i won't be late. hehehe... will update more at the end of the day.

Thursday, July 31
i was so dissapointed today. supposed to go to Cheras Leisure Mall to watch Good Times, Bed Times, starring Louis Koo (my idol) Lau Ching Wan and Sammi Cheng. it supposed to be premiering on the 25th July 2003. but it seems that Malaysia had ban the movie. wonder why. what a waste coz Louis Koo and Lau Ching Wan came all the way down to KL just to promote the movie and now they say it's banned?? how can this be... later ended up watching heronic duo starring E-kin Cheng and Leon Lai. the movie is okie. kinda interesting and funny in some part. but no matter what.. i'm still not satisfied. go all the way there and don't get what i wanted. sigh....

Posted by Christina at 9:41 AM |