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My very 1st blog

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Today is the day where I have a date with 10 guys. Yes! 10 Guys in a day. How cool is that?

This is my very first speed dating. I never knew that speed dating exists in KL. This was actually recommended by my friend. She actually got her bf from this speed dating agent and they have been happily together for 2 years now.

Actually I didn’t intend to get a bf from here. I have no intention at all. I went for the sake of curiosity. I just want to know how speed dating actually works. It’s just for experience sake.

Here are a summary of the process:-

  • For the girls, we are given the guys list and vice versa
  • The list states the guys’ name, age, occupation, hobbies, smoking and drinking habits and there’s a column for “YES” and “NO”
  • The girls are being stationed at a table each and the guys will take turn to rotate
  • Each couple are given 10 minutes each except for your dinner partner which has 30-45 minutes with you
  • If you are interested in the guy, then you can tick “YES” in your checklist and vise versa
  • After finish ‘interviewing’ all 10 guys, you will have to hand up the checklist to the agent (like exam only)
  • The agent will then match and if you have a match or matches, the agent will then sms / email you the guys contact so that you can get to know the guys more
  • You will only receive the contact number if both of you have ticked “YES”. If either one ticked “YES” you will not get the contact number. So it’s pretty safe

The whole speed dating last for 3 hours and it cost RM80 inclusive of a buffet dinner. This speed dating was held in EuroDeli at Jalan Yap Kwan Seng. You can check it out via http://www.click-together.com/

As for my results, out of the 10 guys, I’ve only ticked “YES” on 2 of them. But 6 guys ticked “YES” on me. So my matches are only 2. They did sms me the next day when we each got our contact details, but after that, it is all quiet. Hahaha… What happen to all the macho man? Takkan want to wait for the girls to make the first move? No way dude. Hahaha…

Conclusion is, I really had a great time there. I really enjoyed myself there. I laughed so hard till the agent use me as an example to the ‘class’ that you guys should laugh and enjoy like how I did. Hahaha… It was a great experience. But a tiring one as you talked none stop. Hahaha… Go give it a try.

Posted by Christina at 10:46 PM |


At 10:34 AM, Blogger ckming said........
cool, any pretty girl u can intro to me? =D

At 11:26 AM, Blogger Christina said........
Pretty girls? Eh... you already have one. How many you want huh? Leave it for other single lonely guys ler. Hahaha...