Took one day off today and me and my ex-colleagues went to Kuala Kubu Bahru in search of Chilling Waterfall. We have no idea how to go there and blindly just hit the road. It was pretty adventurous and we finally made our way to the top. It's really nice to be close to nature once in a while.


The 3 musketeers by the KKB Dam

And now 4 musketeers

That's me by the KKB dam

The entrance of Chilling Falls

Please obey these rules before entering

Us at the entrance

Map from the rangers house to Chilling falls. Need to passby 6 crossings.

This is the first crossing

First crossing. The easiest and dryest of all

The first crossing

We've reached the 2nd crossing. 4 more to go

3rd crossing

This is the 3rd crossing

4th crossing!

5th Crossing. Aren't we excited? One more to go

Finally, we've reached the 6th and last crossing

Stop to take picture at 6th crossing

At 6th crossing

We've made it finally to the Chilling falls.

Oh.. and this is our packed lunch. Tong Kee Tan Tart

Closer view of Chilling Falls

That's the model of Chilling Falls for the day. LOL


The water is freezing cold

The 4 posers

4 Posers again

Us on top of the rock

Me alone on top of the rock. Seconds after this picture, I slip and fell from this rock

And this is me all drenched up after the fall

Another better pic of me all drenched up

Group Picture. Thank you uncle for taking this picture for us

Another group shot. Thanks to the uncle again