You admire the roller coaster from afar.
You want to approach the roller coaster but very afraid.
When you are near the roller coaster, your heart beats real fast.
When you are on the roller coaster, you say your last prayers.
When the roller coaster starts to move, you start to freak out and wish you were not on it.
When the roller coaster is at its peak, you admire the view from the top.
When the roller coaster begins to slide down, you shut your eyes real tight and start to scream your lung out.
When the roller coaster comes to a halt, you can’t wait to get out.
When you get out of the roller coaster, your legs are wobbly.
When you turn back to look at the roller coaster, you want more of it despite your fear.
And it starts all over again.
Life is all about ups and downs. Life is all about happiness and sorrows. Life is all about being loved and being bumped. But why must a life be so difficult? Why must one go thru tones of obstacle to find their true love? To find their preferred path? To find the right future?
I have indeed been through a lot lately. I’ve met so many wonderful new friends and yet, met so many unfaithful friends. It is so hard to judge a friend. Sometimes they could be really really nice to you. And the other minute, they could turn into someone whom you don’t know at all.
So, is it a good thing to stay single? I am kinda happy being single at the moment. Well, probably I have no other choice do I? I have more time for my family and my girlfriends. I’ve never been this close to them before and that is really beautiful. But I do feel lonely inside at times because the love that was showered by my family and girlfriend is different. I want the love that was being showered by the one and only person that you loved. But that person has yet to be found. (I hope ‘YOU’ are the one – Can’t wait for you to come back though).

In the past few months, I’ve met so many wrong people. Probably it’s true that God wants you to meet few wrong people before you finally met your true love. They are all being so nice to me. But the problem is they come together. And the choices are hard. And I’m so afraid that people will see me as a playgirl. Therefore, I’ve decided to turn all of them down. I know this will hurt them and even myself, but then again, it’s better to get hurt now then later. However, there’s this one whom I really like. I really do hope we could continue from where we left off before he flew to overseas. I really can’t wait for you to come back.

All I want is to be love. I just wish that my hope will come true one day.