Welcome to Chrisbaby's blog!
My very 1st blog

Sunday, March 27, 2005
Wow it has been a while since I played any sports. I’ve been so busy with work and studies till I neglect sports. Went to BB Plaza for a game of squash. I’m not good in that sport. I don’t even know the rules. But who cares as long as we had fun and it’s healthy. Hope we can do that once a week which is good enough. I hope I don’t get ache everywhere. I still need to go to work the next day.
Later at night me and Aaron has nothing to do and we did a little drawing on Yahoo Messenger. The pictures turn out to be okie. Check out our masterpiece. Hehehe... Anyone interested in buying the paintings?

Me & Aaron's Yahoo Messenger masterpiece

Masterpiece number 2 Posted by Hello

Posted by Christina at 11:59 PM |